Connect & Empower People
Living with an ABI.

Western Australian Volunteers sharing their first-hand experience, guidance and trusted brain injury resources with you. 

Continuing your Recovery from Acquired Brain Injury (ABI)

A voice for people living with, or impacted by brain injury.

BEYOND ABI is a Western Australian not-for-profit organisation led by individuals who have directly experienced the impact of an Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) themselves.

We are a caring community that provides information, peer support, and personal guidance to people impacted by an ABI, offering them hope, support and opportunities.  Led entirely by Volunteers, with the lived experience of ABI ourselves –  assisting people widely (individuals, their carers, support networks, and organisations) anyone directly or indirectly affected by brain injury.

NB    Beyond ABI is not a direct service provider, we do not employ medical professionals.


Connections. Care. Compassion.

Individuals with, or affected by ABI

Family Members, Carers & Relatives


All about the Priorities and Views of our Community of People living with ABI.

Few people truly understand the personal impact brain injury can have...unless you’ve been there yourself.

We know the time following injury is often one, full of worry, complexities, and uncertainty – for everyone concerned.   Sometimes life-altering effect, other times incredibly subtle (…quite difficult to express.)   

Outcomes can be emotional, behavioural, physical, or cognitive change, with lasting effect on existing or future relationships – factors like those often make Recovery Processes even more complex.