Dial up the Chances of
Meaningful Recovery.

Supporting our Member’s Choice, Control and a Renewed Sense of Self.

Addressing Gaps in ABI Outcomes

Empowered Members, discovering their true selves now in a most empathetic, supportive and understanding environment.


Beyond ABI is your go-to-place for practical advice to help move beyond your current state.   Out of hospital, back home or returning to work – we’re all about giving Survivors, Caregivers and Families a voice to illuminate how their life is now.

Our association seeks to demonstrate that people living with ABI or any disability due to brain injury, are just as deserving of compassion, respect, and in most cases, very capable still of capitalising on similar opportunities afforded to others.  Why ultimately, we have the brand name Beyond ABI (BABI).

We are passionate about sharing advice, information on how acquired brain injury affects people, family members, carers and wider circles around them.   Beyond ABI does not provide medical advice (we aren’t a recognised medical services provider.)   We simply partner with affiliated groups, like healthcare providers, allied health, etc – who do that.   

Beyond ABI is here to address the gaps; consider real-life scenarios, and a range of responses, recommendations most suited to your individual circumstances and lifestyle.



Beyond ABI focuses on self-advocacy. Empowering people to live well with an acquired brain injury (ABI).

Peer-to-peer connections to those with/ affected by an ABI across a range of modalities Growing our BABI org member numbers.

Help Members access Support Services, Resources, and Training. 

Providing you with Third-party Connections

Guided Re-education

As your conduit to affiliated groups (helps you cope better with the effects of ABI.)

What it is, common causes, and the range of effect and impacts.

Sharing people’s personal experiences, learnings, and successes with a far wider community.

Peer-to-peer Inspirational content: communicate your own unique perspective and altered outlook/s.   

ABI survivors and caregivers are given  Voice to share ideas; illuminating how their life now, living with ABI and coming back from. 

Beyond ABI

What We Do

Championing Social Support Connection & Participation

Links between Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and the Way things are now.

Beyond ABI is a trusted channel for advice, knowledgeable support, and information.   As a group of dedicated volunteers, fostering stronger connections and collaboration on your behalf.   We help you build self-care skills to ensure a smoother, successful transition back home, and later even a productive return to work.

We are here for anyone who finds themselves impacted by brain injury.

Beyond ABI

People with a past-ABI supporting people with a recent one, to focus on their road to Recovery and Thrive.

Champion Social Support Connection & Participation

Beyond ABI are a trusted channel for advice, knowledgeable support and information for anyone who finds themselves impacted by brain injury.

Links between acquired brain injury (ABI) and the way things are now.

As a group of dedicated volunteers, we foster stronger connections and collaboration on your behalf, helping you build self-care skills to ensure a smoother, successful transition back home, and later even a productive return to work

Beyond ABI engages, supports, and represents people with an ABI from a range of backgrounds and circumstances.

Guiding forward momentum on personal journeys post-injury. 

Assisting you to rebuild Independence and Community Participation.  

Peer advice and support helps to overcome social challenges (incl. lack of confidence, knowledge, altered social networks, isolation, unemployment, and relationships/family dynamics.)

Offering authentic portal to share stories; lived experiences of ABI Access to information, discussion groups, other education to build self-care skills.

Facilitate Member Access to a holistic range of ABI-related information, and reintegration training.

Improve both confidence and the skills of Individuals with ABI to self-advocate.

Referring you, providing further guidance, and additional information / resources from our affiliated network of state support groups and healthcare providers.